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== Introduction ==
== Introduction ==

This section of our FAQ references the '''main error messages''' that could appear while using e-file. <br>
This section of our FAQ references the '''main error messages''' you may encounter using e-file.
Once the message identified within the below list, simply '''click corresponding images''' to reach the appropriate resolution procedure.
If this does not solve the problem, you will find additional information in the [[Category access|general FAQ]] ordered by categories.
<br> <br>
You also can [[How to contact us#contact | contact our technical team]] that will be pleased to help you and answer your questions.

Once you have found the error message in the list below, simply '''click corresponding picture''' to access the resolution procedure.

== Problems related to the encryption module ==
If you need further assistance, please [[How to contact us#contact | contact our technical team]].

<span id="warnSIGN">  </span>
=== First use warnings ===
[[File:warnSign_1_en.jpg|left|First use warnings |link=Encryption_Module#First_use_warning]]
[[File:warnSign_2_en.jpg|right|First use warnings |link=Encryption_Module#First_use_warning]]
<br style="clear:both;" />

<span id="noks">  </span>
== e-file - Messages by alphabetic order ==
=== Workstation security ===
[[File:noActiveKS_en.jpg|center|Configure the workstation security|link=Encryption_Module#Installing_a_new_workstation]]
[[File:noKS_en.jpg|center|Configure the workstation security|link=Encryption_Module#Installing_a_new_workstation]]
<br style="clear:both;" />

<span id="fakepath">  </span>
=== Error when connecting to the webservice :  WebServices's call's error ' '''verifierNoms''' ' ===
=== IE configuration ===
[[File:ErrMsg_verifierNoms_2.png | border | 800 px ]]<br/>
[[File:FakePath_en.jpg|center|IE - Fakepath problem|link=Encryption_Module#IE_8_Configuration_-_Fakepath_Problem]]
[[File:ErrMsg_verifierNoms_3.png | border | 900 px ]]<br/>
<br style="clear:both;" />
This error occurs in the sending service.<br />
It is often due to a server's problem by our side, please [[How_to_contact_us | contact us]].<br />
<br />

<span id="reporterblocked"> </span>  
=== Error with the codification of the declarant, possible values : ... ===
[[File:ErrMsg_DeclarantCodif.png | border | 500 px ]]<br/>
It often occurs when sending SGOREP or PSFREP reports.<br />
You are using an unknown code in our database within the file name.<br />
->''Please ask us for a change in your setup using the '''contact form'''.'' <br/>
More guidance on the [[Onboarding]] page<br />
<br />
=== Impossible de récupérer la clé privée ===
[[File:ErrMsg_ClePriveeImposs.png| 600 px | border |Image : Impossible de récupérer la clé privée ]]<br />
This message occurs in the sending service. <br />
Either the system can find the certificate matching the company's CSSF code, for example the sender code is wrong in the file name.<br />
->''Check the file name'' <br />
Or you are using a wrong version of the keystore, usually the version 'on-hold' instead of the 'completed' one.<br />
->''Check the keystore you are using''<br />
<br />
=== is an unknown declarant's code for this entity ===
[[File:ErrMsg_isAnUnknownDeclCode.png| 600 px | border |Image :unknown declarant's code  ]]<br />
This message occurs in the sending service. <br />
You are using an unknown code in our database within the file name.<br />
-> ''Please ask us for a change in your setup using the '''contact form'''.''<br />
More guidance on the [[Onboarding]] page<br />
<br />
=== JCE cannot authenticate the provider BC ===
[[File:ErrMsg_java351.png| 600 px | border |Image :err JCE authenticate]]<br />
This message occurs in the sending service. <br />
You are using java at or more, some feedbacks are never recovered.<br />
You must patch java as follows :<br />
In the '''jre1.8.0_3xx\lib\security\java.security''' file you need to remove a parameter :<br />
Around the line 690:<br />
    jdk.jar.disabledAlgorithms=MD2, MD5, RSA keySize < 1024, \ <br />
    DSA keySize < 1024, include jdk.disabled.namedCurves, \ <br />
    SHA1 denyAfter 2019-01-01<br />
<br />
To keep only:<br />
    jdk.jar.disabledAlgorithms=MD2, MD5, RSA keySize < 1024, \<br />
    DSA keySize < 1024, include jdk.disabled.namedCurves<br />
Be careful, you may have two java instances : C:\Program Files\java and C:\Program Files (x86)\java, change the one used within the sending service, or both.
Once done, restart the sending service.
=== No keystore configured ===
[[File:ErrMsg_NoKeystoreConfigured.png| 250 px | border |Image : No keystore configured | link=E-file_User#Configuration_of_keystore]]<br />
This message occurs in the transmission module. <br />
You must set up your keystore, see : [[E-file_User#Configuration_of_keystore]] <br />
<br />
=== Reporter is blocked ===
=== Reporter is blocked ===
[[File:reporterisblocked.bmp|center|Reporter is blocked message|link=Encryption_Module#Reporter_is_blocked]]
[[Transmission_Module#Reporter_is_blocked|Click the picture below in order to access the resolution procedure.]]
<br style="clear:both;" />
[[File:reporterisblocked.jpg|image : Reporter is blocked message|link=Transmission_Module#Reporter_is_blocked]]<br />
This message occurs in the sending service. <br />
Your company's certificate has been updated recently and the declarer's code not registered again to the CSSF.<br />
Please ask your e-file administrator to do it, following this : [[E-file_Administration#Registration_of_your_LUXTRUST_certificate_with_the_CSSF]] <br />
<br />
=== The file name does not match one of these regular expressions ===
[[File:ErrMsg_FileNameRegExpr.png| 700 px | border ]]<br />
The file name is wrong. <br />
Check it and try again.<br />
<br />
===Unable to run the application===
This message could occurs when launching the SD install assistant.
If so [[Transmission_Module#Delete_Java_cache|delete the java cache.]]
=== Unable to send documents because the declarer is blocked ===
[[File:ErrMsg_UnabletoSendDeclarerBlocked.png| 400 px | border | link=https://www.e-file.lu/wiki/E-file_Administration#Registration_of_your_LUXTRUST_certificate_with_the_CSSF ]]<br />
<br />
Your company's certificate has been updated recently and the declarer's code not registered again to the CSSF.<br />
Please ask your e-file administrator to do it, following this : [[E-file_Administration#Registration_of_your_LUXTRUST_certificate_with_the_CSSF]] <br />
<br />
=== Unable to send documents because the sender is blocked ===
[[File:Senderisblocked.jpg| 400 px | border | link=https://www.e-file.lu/wiki/E-file_Administration#Registration_of_your_LUXTRUST_certificate_with_the_CSSF ]]<br />
<br />
Your company's certificate has been updated recently and your CSSF code not registered again to the CSSF.<br />
Please ask your e-file administrator to do it, following this : [[E-file_Administration#Registration_of_your_LUXTRUST_certificate_with_the_CSSF]] <br />
<br />

<span id="compression"> </span>
== e-file - Other problems without messages ==

=== Write rights ===
=== Still asking for authentication ===
[[File:compression_en.jpg|center|Write rights|link=Encryption_Module#Write_rights]]
''When entering your credentials, you always come back to the identification form.''<br />
[[File:ErrMsg_StillAuthentification.png | 200 px ]]<br />
-> You may use a wrong URL, check if you are using www.e-file.lu. Don't forget the 'www'.<br />
<br />
<br />
[[File:droits_en.jpg|center|Write rights|link=Encryption_Module#Write_rights]]
=== Still blank page ===
''When trying to enter a module, you are getting a blank page instead.''<br />
[[File:ErrMsg_StillBlankPage.png | 400 px ]]<br />
-> Check if the browser has finished loading the page, then try to hit CTRL+F5 keys to empty its cache.
<br />
<br />
[[Fichier:aErrorOccuredWhileSendingMultiProcedureMessage.png|center|Write rights|link=Encryption_Module#Write_rights]]
<br style="clear:both;" />

<span id="Finesti Station"> </span>
== e-file - Messages in the detailed view on KIIDs report ==
== Fundsquare Station==
The dashboard '''3_24 – Follow up: Detailed view on KIID''' is the central hub for various information flows, it shows:
*share class information and status at Fundsquare level
*share class information and status (for LU funds) at the CSSF level
*KIID reference date, document link and status by filing country and language (Published – Y/N)
*Registration matrix and distribution matrix status by filing country 
*Filing status (pending (P) – orange, selected (S) – blue, transmitted (date of package) – green) by filing country and language
In order to anticipate and ease the annual KIID update for your Funds, please generate the '''3_24 – Follow up: Detailed view on KIID''' as follows:
'''1. Click the Dashboard icon''':<br />[[File:D-board.png|250 px]]
'''2. Select and generate the Dashboard''':<br />[[File:DetailedViewKIID_1.png|border|800 px]]
'''3. Analyze the reports as follows''':<br />[[File:DetailedViewKIID_2.png|900 px]]
'''4. Look up the suggested actions of Fundsquare to solve the warnings and errors you may find as message in the report:'''
<div style="text-align: left;">
{| border="1" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="10"
|'''Error/Warning ID''' || '''Short Description''' || '''Fundsquare's Resolution Proposal'''
|<div style="background:#21B8B5; color:white">O</div>||OK||No action required.
|<div style="background:white; color:black">"blank"</div>||No Status AND KIID||Please amend the registration and distribution matrix in E-file v2 with the updated Status of share class and/or provide a valid KIID where necessary.
|<div style="background:red; color:white">E</div>||Action required, inconsistent data||The system detected an inconsistency between the data of the CSSF and Fundsquare on an active line. <br />This requires an immediate action on the client end to align the information between the CSSF and Fundsquare. <br />A new FFS is required. The FFS can be run out of the dashboard section of e-file.lu V2.
|<div style="background:red; color:white">E2</div>||Inactive AND Status = R, D  AND KIID||Please amend the registration and distribution matrix in E-file v2 with the updated Status of share class and/or provide a valid KIID where necessary.
|<div style="background:red; color:white">E3</div>||DtRef CSSF < KIID Date||Please amend the reference date of the KIID with the appropriate date as known by the CSSF or re-index the KIID Date in the Document Management Module of e-file V2.
|<div style="background:red; color:white">E4</div>||Status =  A, N, R, D AND No KIID||No KIID available in the Fundsquare Database. <br />Please provide the required KIID since the fund registration status expects a KIID in our database or amend the registration and distribution status accordingly.
|<div style="background:red; color:white">E5</div>||Status = E, A, N AND KIID||Share class not yet registered according to our records. <br />Please amend the registration and distribution Matrix with the appropriate status or relaunch the registration.
|<div style="background:red; color:white">E6</div>||Status = D AND Transmitted BUT Not public||Please, launch the Document Management tool of e-file V2 and publish the documents manually or request an automatism your Client Service Manager can potentially activate
|<div style="background:red; color:white">E8</div>||For Lux : Active AND KIID available BUT no status in RegMat||Please amend the registration and distribution matrix in E-file v2 with the updated status of share class.
|<div style="background:red; color:white">E9</div>||Closed in the CSSF system BUT Status RegMat <> RX, DX||Please amend the correct Status in registration and distribution matrix and/or align the status to de-registered (RX)/no longer distributed (DX)
|<div style="background:red; color:white">E10</div>||Unknown in the CSSF system BUT has a status in RegMat||Please contact the CSSF in order to list the instrument in their database and/or update the registration and distribution matrix.
|<div style="background:red; color:white">E11</div>||KIID pending BUT Closed in the CSSF system||Please contact the CSSF and ask for update concerning the share class or ask to close the share class to Fundsquare and archive the KIID.
|<div style="background:#FF8040; color:white">W</div>||Inactive and missing Information in Fundsquare||The line appears inactive at the CSSF and Fundsquare possesses no single information on this line. <br />A warning may not trigger any action on your end, but at least the system announces a discrepancy in the system.
|<div style="background:#FF8040; color:white">W1</div>||Inactive BUT KIID||Please ask for activation of the concerned share class at Fundsquare / CSSF Level
|<div style="background:#FF8040; color:white">W7</div>||Status = R AND Transmitted BUT Not public||Please publish the KIID for the given instrument, since the fund is according to its status registered and the KIID has been transmitted to the CSSF, <br /> thus should be publically available to investors.
|<div style="background:#FF8040; color:white">W12</div>||Inactive BUT KIID||Please ask for activation of the concerned share class at Fundsquare / CSSF Level
== e-file - Document upload by FTP ==
Fundsquare S.A. is accepting documents such as KIIDs, Prospectus... by various transmission modes. You can either manually upload them, or provide them by FTP. <br />
In case of an FTP transmission, the system will generate after successful acceptance of your ZIP a acknowledge receipt file for the transmission.<br />
The system considers the document with the most recent reference date (in the name) as current version.
The file either confirms successful integration of your documents or highlight "indexation errors". <br />
Depending on the different indexation error we identify, we propose different ways for their resolution. <br />
The below table will list the error message, the detailed description of the error and how the error can be resolved.
<div style="text-align: left">
{| border="1" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="10" cellpadding="10"
|  '''Error Message''' || '''Error Message Description''' || '''Resolution Proposal'''
|  ''unrecognized instrument'' || You are trying to upload a file with reference to an instrument that the system cannot identify in Fundsquare's Database. || Please complete the FDF and send back to us([https://www.e-file.lu/wiki/index.php/E-file_Static_Data_Management#How_to_complete_the_FDF)]. As soon as the instrument has been created the ISIN number will be available, <br />or index the document manually by visiting the indexation error screen of e-file.
|  ''document type non recognized'' || You are trying to upload a file with reference to a document type that is unknown to Fundsquare. || Please review the document type name and have it corrected. <br />In most cases this is due to a typo in the file name and as you are not respecting the agreed naming convention.
|  ''country code non recognized'' || You are trying to upload a file with reference to a country code that is unknown to Fundsquare. || The naming convention expects that the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 convention is applied. Further details can be found here: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1_alpha-2]
|  ''language code non recognized'' || You are trying to upload a file with reference to a language code that is unknown to Fundsquare. || The naming convention expects that the ISO 639-1 convention is applied. Further details can be found here: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ISO_639-1_codes]

[[File:displayInBrowser_FR.jpg|center|PDF download|link=PDF_(en)#PDF_Prerequisites]]

<br style="clear:both;" />
[[File:errPDF1.jpg|left|PDF download|link=PDF_(en)#PDF_Prerequisites]]
[[File:errPDF2.jpg|right|PDF download|link=PDF_(en)#PDF_Prerequisites]]

<br style="clear:both;" />
| ''Duplicate document index'' || The name of the document has already been used (for another document existing in our database), but the content is different  || This is normally the case for updated/corrected documents
[[File:errPDF3.jpg|left|PDF download|link=PDF_(en)#PDF_Prerequisites]]
[[File:errPDF4.jpg|right|PDF download|link=PDF_(en)#PDF_Prerequisites]]
<br style="clear:both;" />


== e-file V2 - Document upload by FTP ==

|  ''Duplicate '' || Both the name and the content are identical (for another document existing in our database) || The document is automatically archived


[[Category: FAQ e-file]]
[[Category: FAQ e-file]]

Revision as of 15:41, 15 February 2024

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This section of our FAQ references the main error messages you may encounter using e-file.

Once you have found the error message in the list below, simply click corresponding picture to access the resolution procedure.

If you need further assistance, please contact our technical team.

e-file - Messages by alphabetic order

Error when connecting to the webservice : WebServices's call's error ' verifierNoms '

ErrMsg verifierNoms 2.png
ErrMsg verifierNoms 3.png
This error occurs in the sending service.
It is often due to a server's problem by our side, please contact us.

Error with the codification of the declarant, possible values : ...

ErrMsg DeclarantCodif.png
It often occurs when sending SGOREP or PSFREP reports.
You are using an unknown code in our database within the file name.
->Please ask us for a change in your setup using the contact form.
More guidance on the Onboarding page

Impossible de récupérer la clé privée

Image : Impossible de récupérer la clé privée

This message occurs in the sending service.
Either the system can find the certificate matching the company's CSSF code, for example the sender code is wrong in the file name.
->Check the file name
Or you are using a wrong version of the keystore, usually the version 'on-hold' instead of the 'completed' one.
->Check the keystore you are using

is an unknown declarant's code for this entity

Image :unknown declarant's code

This message occurs in the sending service.
You are using an unknown code in our database within the file name.
-> Please ask us for a change in your setup using the contact form.
More guidance on the Onboarding page

JCE cannot authenticate the provider BC

Image :err JCE authenticate

This message occurs in the sending service.
You are using java at or more, some feedbacks are never recovered.
You must patch java as follows :

In the jre1.8.0_3xx\lib\security\java.security file you need to remove a parameter :
Around the line 690:

   jdk.jar.disabledAlgorithms=MD2, MD5, RSA keySize < 1024, \ 
DSA keySize < 1024, include jdk.disabled.namedCurves, \
SHA1 denyAfter 2019-01-01

To keep only:

   jdk.jar.disabledAlgorithms=MD2, MD5, RSA keySize < 1024, \
DSA keySize < 1024, include jdk.disabled.namedCurves

Be careful, you may have two java instances : C:\Program Files\java and C:\Program Files (x86)\java, change the one used within the sending service, or both.

Once done, restart the sending service.

No keystore configured

Image : No keystore configured

This message occurs in the transmission module.
You must set up your keystore, see : E-file_User#Configuration_of_keystore

Reporter is blocked

Click the picture below in order to access the resolution procedure. image : Reporter is blocked message
This message occurs in the sending service.
Your company's certificate has been updated recently and the declarer's code not registered again to the CSSF.
Please ask your e-file administrator to do it, following this : E-file_Administration#Registration_of_your_LUXTRUST_certificate_with_the_CSSF

The file name does not match one of these regular expressions

ErrMsg FileNameRegExpr.png
The file name is wrong.
Check it and try again.

Unable to run the application

This message could occurs when launching the SD install assistant.

If so delete the java cache.

Unable to send documents because the declarer is blocked

ErrMsg UnabletoSendDeclarerBlocked.png

Your company's certificate has been updated recently and the declarer's code not registered again to the CSSF.
Please ask your e-file administrator to do it, following this : E-file_Administration#Registration_of_your_LUXTRUST_certificate_with_the_CSSF

Unable to send documents because the sender is blocked


Your company's certificate has been updated recently and your CSSF code not registered again to the CSSF.
Please ask your e-file administrator to do it, following this : E-file_Administration#Registration_of_your_LUXTRUST_certificate_with_the_CSSF

e-file - Other problems without messages

Still asking for authentication

When entering your credentials, you always come back to the identification form.
ErrMsg StillAuthentification.png
-> You may use a wrong URL, check if you are using www.e-file.lu. Don't forget the 'www'.

Still blank page

When trying to enter a module, you are getting a blank page instead.
ErrMsg StillBlankPage.png
-> Check if the browser has finished loading the page, then try to hit CTRL+F5 keys to empty its cache.

e-file - Messages in the detailed view on KIIDs report

The dashboard 3_24 – Follow up: Detailed view on KIID is the central hub for various information flows, it shows:

  • share class information and status at Fundsquare level
  • share class information and status (for LU funds) at the CSSF level
  • KIID reference date, document link and status by filing country and language (Published – Y/N)
  • Registration matrix and distribution matrix status by filing country
  • Filing status (pending (P) – orange, selected (S) – blue, transmitted (date of package) – green) by filing country and language

In order to anticipate and ease the annual KIID update for your Funds, please generate the 3_24 – Follow up: Detailed view on KIID as follows:

1. Click the Dashboard icon:

2. Select and generate the Dashboard:
DetailedViewKIID 1.png

3. Analyze the reports as follows:
DetailedViewKIID 2.png

4. Look up the suggested actions of Fundsquare to solve the warnings and errors you may find as message in the report:

Error/Warning ID Short Description Fundsquare's Resolution Proposal
OK No action required.
No Status AND KIID Please amend the registration and distribution matrix in E-file v2 with the updated Status of share class and/or provide a valid KIID where necessary.
Action required, inconsistent data The system detected an inconsistency between the data of the CSSF and Fundsquare on an active line.
This requires an immediate action on the client end to align the information between the CSSF and Fundsquare.
A new FFS is required. The FFS can be run out of the dashboard section of e-file.lu V2.
Inactive AND Status = R, D AND KIID Please amend the registration and distribution matrix in E-file v2 with the updated Status of share class and/or provide a valid KIID where necessary.
DtRef CSSF < KIID Date Please amend the reference date of the KIID with the appropriate date as known by the CSSF or re-index the KIID Date in the Document Management Module of e-file V2.
Status = A, N, R, D AND No KIID No KIID available in the Fundsquare Database.
Please provide the required KIID since the fund registration status expects a KIID in our database or amend the registration and distribution status accordingly.
Status = E, A, N AND KIID Share class not yet registered according to our records.
Please amend the registration and distribution Matrix with the appropriate status or relaunch the registration.
Status = D AND Transmitted BUT Not public Please, launch the Document Management tool of e-file V2 and publish the documents manually or request an automatism your Client Service Manager can potentially activate
For Lux : Active AND KIID available BUT no status in RegMat Please amend the registration and distribution matrix in E-file v2 with the updated status of share class.
Closed in the CSSF system BUT Status RegMat <> RX, DX Please amend the correct Status in registration and distribution matrix and/or align the status to de-registered (RX)/no longer distributed (DX)
Unknown in the CSSF system BUT has a status in RegMat Please contact the CSSF in order to list the instrument in their database and/or update the registration and distribution matrix.
KIID pending BUT Closed in the CSSF system Please contact the CSSF and ask for update concerning the share class or ask to close the share class to Fundsquare and archive the KIID.
Inactive and missing Information in Fundsquare The line appears inactive at the CSSF and Fundsquare possesses no single information on this line.
A warning may not trigger any action on your end, but at least the system announces a discrepancy in the system.
Inactive BUT KIID Please ask for activation of the concerned share class at Fundsquare / CSSF Level
Status = R AND Transmitted BUT Not public Please publish the KIID for the given instrument, since the fund is according to its status registered and the KIID has been transmitted to the CSSF,
thus should be publically available to investors.
Inactive BUT KIID Please ask for activation of the concerned share class at Fundsquare / CSSF Level

e-file - Document upload by FTP

Fundsquare S.A. is accepting documents such as KIIDs, Prospectus... by various transmission modes. You can either manually upload them, or provide them by FTP.
In case of an FTP transmission, the system will generate after successful acceptance of your ZIP a acknowledge receipt file for the transmission.
The system considers the document with the most recent reference date (in the name) as current version.

The file either confirms successful integration of your documents or highlight "indexation errors".
Depending on the different indexation error we identify, we propose different ways for their resolution.
The below table will list the error message, the detailed description of the error and how the error can be resolved.

Error Message Error Message Description Resolution Proposal
unrecognized instrument You are trying to upload a file with reference to an instrument that the system cannot identify in Fundsquare's Database. Please complete the FDF and send back to us([1]. As soon as the instrument has been created the ISIN number will be available,
or index the document manually by visiting the indexation error screen of e-file.
document type non recognized You are trying to upload a file with reference to a document type that is unknown to Fundsquare. Please review the document type name and have it corrected.
In most cases this is due to a typo in the file name and as you are not respecting the agreed naming convention.
country code non recognized You are trying to upload a file with reference to a country code that is unknown to Fundsquare. The naming convention expects that the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 convention is applied. Further details can be found here: [2]
language code non recognized You are trying to upload a file with reference to a language code that is unknown to Fundsquare. The naming convention expects that the ISO 639-1 convention is applied. Further details can be found here: [3]
Duplicate document index The name of the document has already been used (for another document existing in our database), but the content is different This is normally the case for updated/corrected documents
Duplicate Both the name and the content are identical (for another document existing in our database) The document is automatically archived