OpenJdk for the transmission module

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In order to configure the workstation please find the procedure. You do not need any administrator rights on the workstation.

First Step:Download a JDK with JavaFX (used by e-File)

We suggest you to download OpenJDK Corretto from Amazon

If you are not able to use the MSI installer (you do not have administrator rights) you can download the archive. In this case you need to set the java home. In the User variables add the variable: JAVA_HOME. As value put the path of the JDK previously downloaded.


Second Step:Download a tool for Java Webstart (Icedtea)

If you have the administrator rights on the workstation you can use the msi installer

Alternatively, if you do not those rights, you can download the archive

Third step: Go to the Icedtea directory

Go to the Icedtea directory (bin folder) and open itweb-settings.exe

Itweb-settings exe.png

Fourth step: Go to the Policy Settings section

Policy Settings section.png

Click on Simple editor . And then Apply and close. Then click on the Apply button of the configuration screen

Should you get an error message please create an empty file java.policy in the folder %USER_HOME%\.config\icedtea-web\security

Fifth step: The Advanced editor button

Advanced editor button and click on Add Policy Entry.png

Then click the Advanced editor button and click on Add Policy Entry Click the Advanced editor button and click on Add Policy Entry

In the field CodeBase insert the URL :* Click on Add permissionand in the drop down list Permission select and click OK and click OK.png

Finally click on Done

Then close the Policy Tool window and save

Policy Tool window and save.png

You should see a message indicating you succeed to modify the policy

You succeed to modify the policy.png