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Create a new e-file user

Step 1:

Connect to e-file.lu with your e-file administrator credentials (adminXXX) and click the Administration module icon.


Step 2:

Click the Users button


Step 3:

Click the Create a user button


Step 4:

The Create a user windows pops up. Complete the form as indicated in the picture and click the Create button.


Step : 5

Go back to the Users list screen. Move the mouse over the user you just created. Five icons will appear allowing to perform the following actions:

Action 1: Edit user settings Action 2: Force password change. An email is sent to the user with a web-link to reset his password. Action 3: The user is locked. A new user will automatically be unlocked when he logs in for the first time. Action 4: Lock the user. Action 5: Delete the user.

Users list.png