FATCA Manual

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Transmission follow up

Get the feedbacks

First connect on https://www.e-file.lu/e-file with your credentials.
Select the "Document management" module as follow :


Select "Transmission follow up" tab :


The search can be defined between 2 dates and will display all the reports sent during that period.
Each report has a status to have a quick overview of your sendings.

  • "Transmitted" means that the report has been sent to our server and is waiting for the ACD.
  • "Feedback Received" means that at least one feedback has been received. It also means that ACD got the report.
  • "To validate" means that the report needs to be validated by the declarant on E-file V2. This is a really specific case.


To see the reports and its feedback, click on the blue icon on the right.


The files are displayed with a type:

  • FATCA = Original report
  • FDBTEC = Technical feedback
  • FDBBUS = Business feedback

To read one of these file, click on the green icon on the right.
As the document is stored encrypted on our server, it will launch our encryption module V2.

Finally the keystore password is requested to either save the file or directly open it.